The Future of Medicine is Less Invasive


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by: Scott Abeles, R.N., B.S.N.
he future of medicine has the potential to cause fewer complications post operatively and get you back on your feet sooner. Has your doctor ever told you that you may need an operation? What thoughts ran through your head…a difficult / prolonged recovery, big scars, possible infection, and more anesthesia and pain medication? Well, in case you haven’t heard, many of today’s operations and medical procedures can be performed using less or minimally invasive techniques. The majority of patients who are appropriate for a less invasive procedure, return to their lifestyle faster than those who experience conventional surgery. As with any surgical procedure, the potential for adverse effects still exists despite using a minimally invasive approach.

A less invasive procedure/ surgery incorporates the use of special instrumentation to perform various surgeries, from simple to complex, via a surgical incision approximately the size of a dime. Specialized instrumentation includes the use of a laparoscope/ endoscope. The endoscope is used to visualize the area of interest within the body. 

Less invasive procedures and surgeries show a lot of promise and are having very good results on patients who are good candidates. Not all patients are appropriate for minimally invasive surgery; each case is evaluated on an individual basis, so check with your physician to see if you are a good candidate. Certain complicated procedures such as mitral valve replacement (if you meet stringent criteria), can now be done through small key-hole incisions in your chest rather than splitting your sternum open like a chicken.

And to add to this futuristic approach, robots are also being employed to improve the surgeon’s accuracy with this and other very delicate surgeries. If you are a candidate for a less invasive procedure , here are a few questions and answers related to the new and exciting surgical approach.

How long is the hospital/recovery phase after having a less invasive procedure or surgery? The average hospital stay following a less invasive procedure is 3- 5 days and the average recovery time is 2-4 weeks.

Since the procedure is less invasive than conventional surgery, are there still complications? Yes. As with any procedure the potential for risk and harm exists. Before

considering any procedure you and your physician must explore the risk/ benefit ratio. Potential complications of less invasive surgery are; pneumoperitoneum or air in the abdominal cavity, which can increase the risk of DVT or deep vein thrombosis, respiratory arrest or subcutaneous emphysema. Since the surgery is done through small incisions, secondary, unrecognized injury to intra-abdominal organs, nerves and blood vessels by endoscopic instruments is a particular dilemma with inexperienced operatives. The possibility of uncontrollable bleeding can occur which can lead the surgeon to complete the surgery in a conventional fashion.

How big are the scars? Scars from a less invasive surgery are considerably smaller than those of conventional surgery. Scars from minimally invasive surgery are generally a quarter inch in size and after healing are virtually undetectable.

Can any general surgeon perform a less invasive surgery? No. Minimally invasive surgery is an advanced practice and should only be performed by a surgeon who is board certified to do laparoscopic surgery. Also ask the surgeon how many surgeries he has done. Also, there are many endoscopic surgical specialties such as; cardiovascular, thoracic, gynecological, urological and neurological, your particular surgeon should be board certified for his specialty of minimally invasive surgery.

In summary, less invasive surgery is the future of medicine but it is not perfect. You must meet specific criteria screening pre operatively to be considered a candidate if this is a surgical option for you or a loved one.

About The Author
Scott Abeles, R. N., B.S.N. is an AnestaWeb journalist specializing in medical and health articles and topics.  To learn more about botox, visit . Other websites by Mr. Abeles Include: and
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